Revisiting 🔥Config

Published on: Jan. 29, 2024 @ 11:00
Written with ❤️ by drmorr

a stylized campfire burning a bunch of text that looks vaguely Klingon-ish, but could also conceivably be YAML

Burn all the YAML. Generated by Bing Image Creator with the prompt “fire yaml configuration”

This past week, now that I’m done with grant proposals and such, I wanted to dive back into technical work, but I really wasn’t feeling excited about picking up SimKube again. I wanted something that was a little more frivolous, so I decided to pick up one of my toy side projects, 🔥Config. You may recall that I blogged about 🔥Config way back in the beginning of my whole endeavour, and it’s mostly been accomplishing what I wanted and staying out of my way otherwise since then. I’ve made a few small improvements, but the initial goal of “publish Kubernetes manifests without having to deal with YAML” has been, I’d say, successful.

So why am I picking it back up again? Well, for one, I think it’s always important to have “fun” side projects to work on, and I had some improvements that I wanted to make to it which should have just taken a day or two before I dove back into the “real” work1. But before we talk about what I did this week, let’s revisit what 🔥Config is and what its goals are.

Stop Doing YAML

🔥Config is a tool for generating Kubernetes resource manifests from Python code. It’s build on top of cdk8s, which is an open-source “Cloud Development Toolkit” from AWS, and it’s designed to make it easier to define your Kubernetes applications. Cdk8s is cool in and of itself, but as I described in my previous post, I don’t think it goes far enough. So 🔥Config is my attempt to take Kubernetes YAML generation to the next level.

(As an aside, I’m a bit worried about my decision to base 🔥Config on cdk8s—there haven’t been any commits to the project by a human in 3+ months, and the issue tracker and PR page give all the appearances of a ghost town. I really hope AWS didn’t just throw the project over the wall for some free press and then abandon it… Fortunately, it still seems to work, barring a few annoyances, and if it becomes a problem in the future it should be possible to fork or reimplement more sustainably2.)

You might ask why I’m not just using a pre-existing tool like Helm or Kustomize for this instead of re-inventing the wheel, and part of the answer is “because it’s fun”, but the other part of the answer is “because the existing tools we have for this are bad.” In his post about the incidental complexity of Kubernetes, Kyle Anderson (a friend and former colleague) says “k8s configuration, in YAML format, gives the illusion that the configuration is meant to be generated and maintained by humans.” Kyle also links to a post from Lee Briggs (back in 2019, no less) called “Why the fuck are we templating yaml?”. I’ve also also seen a large number of posts on Mastodon complaining about how bad YAML is for doing configuration. I don’t know of anyone in the industry who actually likes dealing with the large amount of YAML config required for Kubernetes. So (in one of my enduring themes for ACRL) I’m trying to use 🔥Config to show off a different way to do things3.

See, all application developers (and I’m including myself in that category for right now) want to do is “deploy their damn app.” They don’t want to have to think about “well this app needs some configuration, so I better create a ConfigMap, and then create a Volume that loads the ConfigMap data and then make sure the Volume is mounted into the container, and FML if I ever need to change the name of the ConfigMap or the mount location or any of that other nonsense. I need an app with some config. Is that too much to ask?”

So with 🔥Config, I’m trying to reduce the stuff you have to think about when you deploy your app on Kubernetes to “the app” and “the config” (or whatever it is your app actually needs). However, at the end of the day, something has to generate the Kubernetes manifests, and for debuggability’s sake, you need to know if the Kubernetes manifests you generate are correct. And that leads us to the impetus for the work I did this week.

Just diff some files, how hard can it be?

It all started with a quick todo item I’d dashed off on my todo list for 🔥Config:

Make 🔥config show a before/after diff

When I wrote this down, I’m pretty sure all I was thinking was “we made some changes to the app, how can we make sure the Kubernetes manifests are correct? Oh well, we’ve got the manifests before, and the manifests after, let’s just diff them and see what changed. Should take a couple hours, tops.”


Well, that project ballooned into “Wouldn’t it be great if we could actually have a Terraform-like experience? We should be able to easily visualize what Kubernetes resources have been created, deleted, or changed, and even better, we should be able to tell if the changes we’re making are going to cause pods to be recreated4. And, also, cdk8s lets you define dependencies between your resources so you can ensure they are created in the right order, can’t we just print the dependency graph? And really, we ought to be able to do this automatically anytime anybody makes a change to their app definitions, we can just have a GitHub action that dumps all the changes into a comment anytime anyone opens a PR. Easy, right?”

I feel like I’ve already buried the lede in this article quite a bit, but here, if you’re still reading, take a look at this. I’m very proud of it.

%%{init: {'themeVariables': {'mainBkg': '#ddd'}}}%% graph LR classDef default color:#000 subgraph global direction LR global/the-namespacee[Namespace
the-namespacee] %% DELETED OBJECTS START global/the-namespacee[Namespace
the-namespacee] %% DELETED OBJECTS END end subgraph fc-test-package direction LR the-namespacee/deployment1-svc[Service
deployment1-svc] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl[Deployment
fc-test-package-depl] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-sa[ServiceAccount
fc-test-package-sa] fc-test-package/fc-test-package-crb[ClusterRoleBinding
fc-test-package-crb] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-the-volume-name[ConfigMap
fc-test-package-the-volume-name] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-other_name[ConfigMap
fc-test-package-other_name] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-sa--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl fc-test-package/fc-test-package-crb--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl the-namespacee/fc-test-package-the-volume-name--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl the-namespacee/fc-test-package-other_name--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl %% DELETED OBJECTS START %% DELETED OBJECTS END end global--->fc-test-package %% STYLE DEFINITIONS START %% STYLE DEFINITIONS END

The above graph5 shows all of the Kubernetes objects that get created for a simple Deployment. If you’re familiar with Kubernetes, this shouldn’t be too surprising, but what’s cool here is that you can visually see all the dependencies. The Deployment needs a namespace, a service account and role binding6, and then you can see it has two ConfigMaps that get mounted in, as well as a Service so that other people can talk to the Deployment. Pretty standard stuff. The yellow boxes here show how these resources are grouped together in the manifests7.

Here’s the code that generates that:

def _make_deployment():
    volumes = (fire.VolumesBuilder()
        .with_config_map("the-volume-name", "/mount/path", {"foo.yml": "bar"})
        .with_config_map("other_name", "/mount/path", {"bar.yml": "asdf"})

    container = fire.ContainerBuilder(

    return (fire.DeploymentBuilder(app_label="deployment1")
        .with_service_account_and_role_binding("cluster-admin", True)
        .with_node_selector("type", "kind-worker")

class FCTestPackage(fire.AppPackage):
    def __init__(self):
        self._depl = _make_deployment()

    def compile(self, chart: Construct):

    def id(self):
        return "fc-test-package"

if __name__ == '__main__':
        "the-namespacee": [FCTestPackage()],
    }, 'dag.mermaid')

That’s, like, ~35 lines of code, to generate 100 lines of YAML. Granted, this is a pretty small app, but hopefully you can imagine that the amount of YAML you’ll generate will increase exponentially compared to the amount of Python you have to write to configure your app in larger cases. And, look—if you change the name of your ConfigMap volumes, all that stuff just gets propagated through automagically, no more forgetting to change the name everywhere.

But wait! I made a mistake! There’s a typo! Save us! I added an extra e at the end of the Namespace name! Lemme just correct that and re-push to master real quick, nobody will notice…

%%{init: {'themeVariables': {'mainBkg': '#ddd'}}}%% graph LR classDef default color:#000 subgraph global direction LR global/the-namespace[Namespace
the-namespace] %% DELETED OBJECTS START global/the-namespacee[Namespace
the-namespacee] %% DELETED OBJECTS END end subgraph fc-test-package direction LR the-namespace/deployment1-svc[Service
deployment1-svc] the-namespace/fc-test-package-depl[Deployment
fc-test-package-depl] the-namespace/fc-test-package-sa[ServiceAccount
fc-test-package-sa] fc-test-package/fc-test-package-crb[ClusterRoleBinding
fc-test-package-crb] the-namespace/fc-test-package-the-volume-name[ConfigMap
fc-test-package-the-volume-name] the-namespace/fc-test-package-other_name[ConfigMap
fc-test-package-other_name] the-namespace/fc-test-package-sa--->the-namespace/fc-test-package-depl fc-test-package/fc-test-package-crb--->the-namespace/fc-test-package-depl the-namespace/fc-test-package-the-volume-name--->the-namespace/fc-test-package-depl the-namespace/fc-test-package-other_name--->the-namespace/fc-test-package-depl %% DELETED OBJECTS START the-namespacee/fc-test-package-sa--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl fc-test-package/fc-test-package-crb--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl the-namespacee/fc-test-package-sa[ServiceAccount
fc-test-package-sa] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl[Deployment
fc-test-package-depl] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-the-volume-name--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl the-namespacee/fc-test-package-other_name[ConfigMap
fc-test-package-other_name] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-other_name--->the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl the-namespacee/deployment1-svc[Service
deployment1-svc] the-namespacee/fc-test-package-the-volume-name[ConfigMap
fc-test-package-the-volume-name] %% DELETED OBJECTS END end global--->fc-test-package %% STYLE DEFINITIONS START style global/the-namespace fill:#283 style the-namespace/fc-test-package-sa fill:#283 style the-namespace/deployment1-svc fill:#283 style the-namespace/fc-test-package-the-volume-name fill:#283 style the-namespace/fc-test-package-other_name fill:#283 style the-namespace/fc-test-package-depl fill:#283 style fc-test-package/fc-test-package-crb fill:#6ce style the-namespacee/deployment1-svc fill:#e67 style the-namespacee/fc-test-package-sa fill:#e67 style the-namespacee/fc-test-package-the-volume-name fill:#e67 style the-namespacee/fc-test-package-other_name fill:#e67 style the-namespacee/fc-test-package-depl fill:#e67 style global/the-namespacee fill:#e67 %% STYLE DEFINITIONS END

Oh, hell. I forgot8 that when you change a namespace, you have to delete everything inside that namespace (the red boxes) and recreate them in the new namespace (the green boxes). Looks like maybe someone will notice after all.

Curiously, though, there’s a nice blue box sitting in there, what’s that? Oh that’s right, it’s a cluster role binding, which means that object isn’t namespace-scoped. So we don’t have to recreate that object, we just have to change the namespace it refers to.

Anyways the diagram is nice and all, but it hides a fair amount of information. Maybe you forgot that ClusterRoleBindings aren’t namespaced, and you want to see what the actual changes were. Remember at the beginning when I said we could just diff some files? Well, it’s not quite that easy but we can actually see the details of the changes if we care:

fc-test-package/fc-test-package-crb: Changed

"the-namespacee" --> "the-namespace"

Here we can actually see, in a terraform plan style diff, the actual changes that were made to the role binding. As expected, we see that we’re just updating the namespace for the role binding’s subject. And here’s the coolest bit: I wired it all up with GitHub actions so that whenever you make changes to your Kubernetes config, it spits out a fun little comment on the PR showing you all the changes! Pretty awesome, right?

No, not actually that awesome, I’m good, thanks.

I mean, OK, maybe it’s not the most amazing demo on the planet, but I was proud of it, nonetheless. And I’m unaware of any other tool that does anything like this (I’m sure it exists somewhere, I can’t be the first person to think of this, but I’ve just never seen it before). I had fun building it, and I learned some cool stuff along the way, so what more can you really ask for, anyways?

Anyways, that’s all I’ve got for now. If you’re interested in 🔥Config or you’ve used something similar in the past, I’d love to hear about it! Let me know in the comments below or on Mastodon. All the code for this project can be found on GitHub, though as before, it should be considered alpha software—anything can change at any moment for any reason, so maybe don’t use it in production.

Thanks for reading,


  1. Famous last words. ↩

  2. Not that I’m volunteering for that, no sir. I’ve got other fish to fry. Unless you want to pay me. Then we can talk :D ↩

  3. Is it a better way to do things? Well, I’m not gonna go that far, but… maybe? ↩

  4. Have I complained about Kubernetes observability before? One of the most common questions that infra engineers get is “Why did my pod go away? This is a bug with your compute platform!!!” And about 50% of the time the answer is “Oops, Cluster Autoscaler scaled down” and about 50% of the time the answer is “You deployed your service which recreated all the pods”. ↩

  5. The graph, by the way, is generated using Mermaid, which is a very cool textual graph description language. And it’s supported natively by GitHub, which means we have all the tools need to make this a “real” CI tool. ↩

  6. For some reason this deployment needs cluster-admin because we like to be insecure here at ACRL. ↩

  7. Cdk8s calls these “charts” which I worry is confusing because mostly people talk about “Helm charts” when they talk about charts, but whatever, I’ll use that terminology too. ↩

  8. I did not forget, I’m just pretending I forgot for the purposes of the narrative. Just go with it. ↩