NSDI Recap, Part I - Spot Instances and SkyPilot
Ok, I’ve been promising this for a while, it’s time to dig into a few of my favorite talks and papers from NSDI ‘24. This was my first “academic” conference in a long time, and it was really fun to see a slightly different style of conference and audience. It was also much smaller than many of the conferences I go to; I think there were only a couple hundred people there, compared to KubeCon, which had 13k attendees last year1. I was also really amused by the “vendor hall” at NSDI, which consisted of three companies (Meta, Microsoft, and.... Google, maybe?) sitting outside in a hallway next to some folding tables.
But anyways, enough about the vibes, man, let’s hear about the actual content! NSDI is a networking conference2, so the majority of the talks were focused on networking topics. I am not a networking person, so I would say that the subject matter was a little bit outside of my wheelhouse, but nevertheless there was still a lot of really interesting content, and I definitely saw some really great talks! In this post and over the next couple weeks I’ll deep dive into a few of these, starting with…
Can’t be late: optimizing spot instance savings under deadlines
Authors: Zhanghao Wu, Wei-Lin Chiang, Ziming Mao, and Zongheng Yang, University of California, Berkeley; Eric Friedman and Scott Shenker, University of California, Berkeley, and ICSI; Ion Stoica, University of California, Berkeley
I was immediately intrigued by this talk, since my first “real” job at Yelp was dealing with spot instance management3, and I’ve spent a bunch of time since then trying to build systems to reason about spot instances. The gRPC expander my colleague Evan at Airbnb built was also designed to help us autoscale and manage spot instances. So I was very curious to know how the folks at Berkeley were thinking about this problem.
First, some background—if you’re not familiar with spot instances, these are basically “compute offered by cloud providers at a steep discount to please get someone to use them”; it’s bad for the cloud provider to just have hardware sitting around unused, because it still costs money to maintain and run, and spot instances are the solution. The catch is that these compute resources can be reclaimed at a moment’s notice4 by the cloud provider if someone else is willing to pay more for them.
There’s been a number of talks and blog posts in the industry about how people are saving megabux on their cloud compute bill using spot instances, and there are some reasonably well-known “best practices” for how to manage the constraints that spot instances introduce into your infrastructure. There have also been “some” indications that spot instances are no longer an effective way to save costs in this the Year of our Lord 2023 and beyond5. My personal hypothesis has always been that it is probably more advantageous for the cloud providers to “just stop racking hardware unless customers commit to paying for it”, so this post checks out from that perspective (and I’ve heard from a few folks around the industry that spot prices are just generally higher and harder to get across the board).
But OK, all of that is background info. In this paper, the authors were trying to integrate spot instances into their application called SkyPilot, which is an application for running jobs “in the sky” instead of “in the cloud”. More concretely, SkyPilot is trying to solve the “multi-cloud” problem, where you have compute available from multiple different cloud providers, and you’d like to run your workloads on the “best” one. And, specifically in this talk, they’re trying to run workloads on the “best” spot instances across multiple cloud providers.
The main assumption that they make in this paper is that it’s “easy” to snapshot your running task so that it can be moved to a different machine. Under this assumption, there are two scenarios they consider:
In the first scenario, there is no “changeover cost”: in other words, when a spot instance disruption occurs, it is free (both from a resource utilization and a time perspective) to restart the task on another node. In this case there is a provably optimal policy: run your tasks on spot instances until they aren’t available anymore, and then move them to on-demand instances. Then, if spot instances ever become available again in the future, move them back!
This scenario is clearly not representative of reality, but it is easy to reason about. Unfortunately, the second, and more-realistic, scenarios is less easy to reason about. In a setting where there is a changeover cost, they identified three rules that an optimal policy should follow:
- The thrifty rule: jobs shouldn’t continue to be scheduled if they have no more work to do
- The safety net rule: if a job is currently requesting to run on spot, but there’s a chance it won’t finish in time, you should move it to an on-demand node.
- The exploitation rule: once a job starts using spot, it should keep using spot until it can’t.
The name of the game at this point is “try to develop a policy that satisfies all these rules as best as possible”. The most basic policy they consider is a greedy policy that uses spot until it’s not available: once the spot market runs out, the job is paused and they wait to see if more spot instances become available. Only if there is a risk that the job’s remaining computation time plus the changeover cost exceeds the job’s deadline do they switch over to on-demand, and stay there until the end.
This greedy policy works “pretty well”, but they run into problems if more spot instances become available towards the end of the period, and the job could switch back to spot and still finish in time. To address this, they instead propose a “time-sliced” greedy algorithm, where they repeat the above analysis during each sequential time-period. I’m going to skip most of the details and tell you to read the paper, but they do some analysis comparing this time-sliced greedy approach to the theoretical optimal solution and are able to show that their algorithm performs well6.
Of course, this is still a theoretical model, and there are lots of considerations that still need to be taken into account to run this in a real spot market: the most obvious one is that AWS (and the other cloud providers, as far as I know) doesn’t tell you the state of the spot markets. You kinda have to infer it based on “when you can get hardware or not”—in other words, you just have to request the hardware and see if it shows up7. There’s also, as I alluded to in a previous footnote, a lot of complexity in how you get billed for spot instances, depending on what other types of compute you’re paying for. In some cases, spot instances can end up making you pay more money even though they’re cheaper! And, if you’re trying to reason about spot availability across multiple clouds, all these problems are multiplied by the number of cloud providers you care about. But it sounds like they’re trying in SkyPilot! I hope that it works out well.
Anyways, that’s all I have on this paper; tune in next time for more riveting NSDI content! :D
Thanks for reading,
Honestly, this number surprises me. It felt much bigger than that, I assumed the attendance numbers were still in the 20k range. Also looking at the chart in the CNCF blog post, it makes me even sadder that they’ve decided to cancel the virtual attendance option going forward. Nearly 30% of the attendees in Chicago were virtual, and it feels like a real shame to cut out 30% of your potential audience and reach. But, it’s not my call to make, so 🤷 ↩
Gasp! Who knew??? It’s not like it’s in the name, or anything. ↩
You can go see baby drmorr talk about this at re:Invent if you want! ↩
This is obviously very disruptive to customer workflows, particularly if you’re trying to do something that requires saved state. The way AWS handles this is to give users a two-minute warning to stop whatever they’re doing and prepare to die. It used to be the case that the AWS spot market was actually an auction market, where people could bid on spot instances and whoever bid the most could use them, but people discovered a lot of ways to game the system, so now AWS manages both the supply and demand curves and just picks a price for spot instances based on some black-box algorithm. Confusingly, they’ve never updated the API, so you can still set a “bid price” for your spot instances if you want to. They’ve also introduced a whole range of other somewhat-confusing spot options, so you can now get compute hardware that’s guaranteed to stick around for at least N hours before they yank it away, but you have to pay a little bit more for it. And then there’s all kinds of other confusing interactions between spot pricing and reserved instances and capacity reservations and.... Anyways the point is, leave it to AWS to make the whole thing more complicated than it needs to be. ↩
Yes, I know it’s already 2024, but the blog post was written in 2023. Leave me alone. ↩
There are a lot of wishy-washy load-bearing words in that statement, so I’m going to re-iterate that if you want to know the details, just read the paper. ↩
At least for AWS this isn’t 100% accurate anymore; AWS will provide you with “rebalance recommendations”, which let you know if you’re currently running in a spot market that’s likely to see preemption in the near future, and I believe there’s another API that you can query that will tell you which spot markets have the most availability right now, but there’s still a lot of guessing involved. ↩