NSDI Recap, Part 2 - Load Balancing and Autoscaling
Howdy, friends! Hope you all had a good Memorial Day weekend (if you’re in the US). In today’s post, I’m picking up where I left off to talk about more papers from NSDI ‘241. The paper I’m going to cover today is about load balancing, but in a strange and unexpected twist I’m going to bring that back around to something I actually care about, which is autoscaling. Let’s dive in!
Load is not what you should balance: Introducing Prequal
Authors: Bartek Wydrowski, Google Research; Robert Kleinberg, Google Research and Cornell; Stephen M. Rumble, Google (YouTube); Aaron Archer, Google Research
Similarly to the paper in my last post, the title of this paper grabbed me; I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about “how you measure when a service is overloaded”, and how CPU utilization is a bad metric for this2, so I was curious to know why “load” isn’t a good thing to balance either.
Turns out, they were actually saying the same thing: don’t use CPU utilization to do load balancing. They give an example in the paper showing why this is the case, but in effect it boils down to: CPU utilization is a trailing indicator, and it has to be averaged over some period of time to be meaningful, so the delay between “when a server starts getting overloaded” and “when we stop sending requests to it” is significant. This has a noticeable impact on your tail latency, which in turn translates to a noticeable impact on your end users.
So what should you use instead of CPU utilization? In this paper, the authors propose Probing to Reduce Queuing and Latency (Prequal), which is a new load-balancing policy based on the power-of-d-choices algorithm. The core idea here is to sample some subset of replicas for your application, and then send the next request to the “best” one. As the authors point out in the introduction of the paper, the two questions to answer in this algorithm are 1) “How do you sample?” and 2) “What does ‘best’ mean?”
I’m going to skip to the punchline and give the paper’s answer to these two questions: to determine the machines to sample, the Prequal algorithm maintains a pool of at most 16 replicas per client; clients update their pools whenever a new request comes in, or at a periodic frequency if no requests have arrived recently. The clients then pick a replica to send the request to from this pool, based on two metrics: the replica’s current requests-in-flight (RIF; a simple counter measuring the number of requests the client has received but hasn’t finished processing) and the replica’s recent latency. Unlike CPU utilization, RIF is both a) instantaneous to calculate, and b) often correlated with future load, which means that it’s a good leading indicator instead of a trailing indicator. The second metric, recent latency, is more similar to CPU utilization in that it’s a trailing indicator, but it is still “relatively” instantaneous: Prequal simply looks at the most recent latency numbers and takes the median.
Instead of taking a simple linear combination of these metrics to select the “best”, Prequal instead maintains a set of “hot” and “cold” replicas within the pool, based on the replicas’ current RIF – if the replica is handling a large number of requests, it is “hot”, and otherwise it is cold. Then, if all the replicas in the pool are hot, Prequal selects the one with the fewest requests in flight; otherwise, it picks the cold replica with the lowest latency numbers.
The authors do quite a bit of evaluation work (they implemented this at Google for YouTube, and demonstrate that it has a noticeable and significant impact in reducing tail latencies and improving end user experience), but I’m going to skip most of that and redirect you to the paper for details. Instead, I’m going to spend the rest of this blog post talking about me3.
Load balancing and autoscaling: are they the same thing?
While I was in the presentation for this paper, I dashed off a random, half-formed thought to Mastodon:
This is maybe out of left field, but we’ve “known” for a while that services shouldn’t autoscale based on CPU utilization, but instead you should scale based on request rate or some other metric that is more applicable to the thing you care about. In this talk, we learned that the same is true of load balancing.
Is there some deeper connection between autoscaling and load balancing that we could explore?
I didn’t really think anything of it, but ended up getting quite a few responses, my favorite of which was from Thomas Depierre:
@drmorr i mean it is fundamentally a scheduling/binpacking/optimisation problem with feedback loops.
Awwww, I feel seen! Thanks, Thomas. But also, Thomas is right on. In Kubernetes, for example, we’ve got (at least) two feedback loops in play here: the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) controls the number of active replicas for an application, based on user-configurable metric signals; often this is just CPU utilization, but you can also wire it up to your service mesh to scale based on requests-in-flight or latency (or, as I just spent a bunch of time doing, you can configure it to scale on multiple different metrics sources at once). Then, somewhere else in Kubernetes, you have a load balancer sitting in front of your service; maybe you’re using Kubernetes Service objects or an external physical load balancer, or maybe you have a service mesh like Envoy or Linkerd set up.
But, in classic Kubernetes fashion, the HPA and your load balancer don’t talk to each other, meaning that there is an implicit feedback loop between the components that suddenly gets very hard to reason about. So, in the running theme for this blog, I have been pondering the question, “What if we got rid of some of the layers?”4 Here we’ve got two systems trying to solve the same problem (“How can we keep this application from getting overloaded?”) using the same metrics in different ways. But what if, instead, these two components were just the same component?
This is a little bit tricky from the Prequal perspective, because each client is maintaining its own independent view of reality, and clients don’t really have the ability to say “Hey, I’ve, like, got this request, like yea, and I don’t really, like, want to send it to any of your replicas, maybe you should, like, scale up or something?5” But in Kubernetes-land, it would be totally doable to merge the HPA (or KEDA, if you’re so inclined) with your load balancer, and then you could make real-time decisions about scaling as you’re observing requests coming in and out.
Would that actually solve anything? I mean, who knows, this is all just a half-baked idea I came up with while I was in a conference haze, so someone would have to, like, test it out or something. But that’s a lot harder than just throwing ideas out into the void.
Actually, Dan Ciruli, one of the Istio steering committee members responded to my Mastodon post as well:
@drmorr Very, very early on in the life of Istio we talked about this as a “killer use case” – monitoring latency and using HPA to scale if it hit a certain threshold. Not sure if anyone ever built a POC (which would be pretty easy) or tried to do it in production (which would require solving a bunch of issues).
So it sounds like at least someone else has had this same idea! Would love to know if anybody has actually tried it out, and whether it solves any problems. For now, though, we’ll just have to wonder.
Thanks for reading!
As an aside the further away from the conference we get the less I remember about what I wanted to talk about. So… not really sure how many more of these I’ll do. ↩
See also: the KEDA talks from KubeCon this year. ↩
That’s why you read this blog, isn’t it??? ↩
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This is what we call VGRPC, aka valley girl remote process communication. ↩