"Move Fast and Break Things" considered harmful

Published on: Jul. 22, 2024 @ 11:00
Written with ❤️ by drmorr

A trail through the woods filled with broken toys.

What your software will look like after you move fast and break things. Generated by Bing Image creator.

Author’s note: a previous version of this post referenced the book “The Pragmatic Programmer”, which in turn crafts an analogy between “broken software” and the “broken windows” theory of urban planning. I have since learned that this urban planning theory is based on a resoundingly debunked and racist set of views, which definitely wasn’t my intent to promote in this space. I’ve edited the post to remove any references to the “broken windows” theory.

Whew! It’s been almost a month since I posted here1. I was travelling for several weeks on a well-needed vacation. But I’m back now, and I have some bangin’ posts lined up for the next few weeks. We’re going to talk about graph theory, simulation, Kubernetes, some other projects I’ve been working on, and (of course) more hot takes about the tech industry! Today’s topic falls into that last category: we’re going to talk about moving fast and breaking things.

Before we go any further, though, I do need a big caveat up front: everything we’re talking about in here is a tradeoff. I am not, for example, arguing that we should go back to design-doc-driven, waterfall-style development. There is a tradeoff between speed and reliability, and I’m trying to make the point that maybe as an industry we’ve gone too far in one direction. I’m not going to include that caveat everywhere in this post that I employ a bit of artful hyperbole, however.

Thanks, Bezos

So a long time ago, way back when the dinosaurs and humans were meandering around together, this guy named Jeff Bezos2 espoused his philosophy for decision-making in an investor-relations letter. There’s been endless ink spilled about it all over the interwebs, but in case you’re unfamiliar, (one of) the general themes of the letter was “make high-velocity, high-quality decisions” (in the same section of this letter, Bezos (re-?) iterated the now famous “disagree and commit” line3). Anyways, the rough idea is that “most decisions don’t cost very much to make, and the consequences aren’t that bad if you make a bad decision, because you can always make another decision later on if you get more information and learn that your previous decision was bad.”

Now, this idea sounds great in principle. We all want to make good decisions, and we’d like to have them made now, dammit. I think that Bezos’s mindset grew out of the “tech revolution” of the late 90s and early 2000s, wherein many people were tired of the slow-moving ancient tech behemoths that took forever to release new software, and when the software was released it was buggy as all get-out, and then it took another three years for them to release a patch which fixed the bugs but also introduced a bunch of new bugs4.

These leadership trends are so popular and so widely quoted that people almost take them as axioms. Indeed, if you do a Google search for “Disagree and Commit” you’ll be met with pages and pages of leadership articles, blogs, LinkedIn posts, etc. praising the DaC virtues, and almost nothing questioning whether this is actually a good idea. I could only find two pieces of work that contradict this wisdom: one is an off-hand comment by Hazel Weakly in a blog post about observability, and another by a guy who (apparently) made a zine called “Why Disagree and Commit is a Bad Idea (and 7 ALTERNATIVES you can try instead”, which, by the way, I would love to read but can’t actually find a copy of anywhere :(

Anyways all of this is to say, “I would like to use this post to question some common wisdom in the tech community and maybe add a tiny bit of balance to the conversation, but probably not very much balance because I’m unlikely to have any good solutions.”

Thanks, Facebook

Another extremely popular concept in Silicon Valley culture is “move fast and break things”. I didn’t realize it until I started writing this post, but this maxim was actually coined by Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook. The words are different, but the similarity to Bezos’s letter is clear: speed is more important than accuracy.

And look. Ok. Sure. Sometimes? I guess? But you know what happens when you move fast and break things? You leave a lot of broken shit behind in your wake. And who’s gonna clean up after you? Not me, not unless you pay me a whole heck of a lot of money5.

The argument, I guess, is that sometimes things need to be broken and not fixed. But I think that’s the exception, not the rule. Humans don’t like broken things; it makes us very unhappy6. And I don’t know about you, but I didn’t get into this business to make people unhappy. I’d like to make things better, not worse. And I certainly don’t want to make things worse and tell everybody I’m making things better, which seems to be the tack that many modern companies are taking.

Somewhat humorously, in 2014, Mark Zuckerberg changed Facebook’s motto from “move fast and break things” to “move fast with stable infrastructure”, which, you know, just doesn’t quite have the same catchy ring to it. That motto certainly hasn’t caught on in the industry.

Thanks, Applied Computing

Ok, this is the section where I toot my own horn a little bit, and claim that I’m smarter than Bezos and Zuckerberg, or whatever. I mean, who knows, really, they both own billion-dollar companies and I don’t, so maybe I’m not actually smarter, but I can tell you that I’ve spent a lot of time cleaning up people’s messes, and I’m tired of it.

As we build things, write new code, etc. etc. etc., some things are going to break. It might not even be our fault, but the entire universe is in a constant state of change, and change breaks things. But if you don’t spend time up front fixing the things that are broken, eventually you’re going to end up in a state where so many things are broken that the only solution you can think of is to burn it all down and start from scratch. And let me tell you, that strategy rarely goes well for anybody.

So here we get to the thesis of this post: if you take the industry “wisdom” to “move fast and break things” (or equivalently, “make lots of decisions quickly and fix the bad ones later”), you’re going to end up with a lot of broken things. And I’m tired of broken stuff, so I’ve worked hard to take a different approach at ACRL. It’s maybe not as pithy, maybe not as exciting-sounding, but I’m hoping that it will pay off for me in the long run: “move slowly and make sure you’re solving the right problems.”

As with everything in life there are always tradeoffs. If you move too slowly, you’re going to miss your window of opportunity; the world will have moved on7. But if you move too fast, all you’re gonna get is a trail of broken toys. So in the work that I’ve been doing for the past year, I’ve tried really hard to make sure that I’m solving the right problems, and then spend time solving those problems the right way. For example, SimKube has ~75% test coverage, and CI pipelines that work8. Why? Why bother, when nobody’s using it except me right now? Couldn’t I have made more progress on SimKube by moving faster and ignoring that stuff? Yes, absolutely, but also SimKube would not be nearly as robust as it is right now. Spending the time to do the basic stuff right, right now, will (I hope) have compounding returns for me in the future.

What about everything else? The stuff that “isn’t the right problem, but still needs to be solved?” If I can, my motto in these cases is “move fast and don’t leave a broken tool behind”. In many cases, that looks like “paying somebody else to solve the problem”. I don’t have infinite money, but I do have some money, and I’m trying to use that strategically. For example: I didn’t have to find a lawyer to fill out the paperwork for my LLC. That paperwork isn’t hard. I could have done it myself, or used LegalZoom’s service. But I chose to establish a relationship with an attorney early, because a) I really really wanted it done correctly, b) I knew they could do it faster than I could, and c) now I have an attorney that I trust to do good work for me, which has payed off many many times over.

But like I said, I don’t have infinite money, and there are problems that a) I need solved, b) now, and that c) I can’t afford or don’t want to pay someone else to solve. In these cases my motto is “move fast and minimize the impact of the broken thing”. In some cases, this just looks like “writing down what I did”. You’d be honestly amazed at how much broken software could be mitigated just be somebody writing down “what they did and why”. I have extensive notes on “how I have my computer system set up” and “how I have my AWS infra configured”. Are they all perfect systems? Of course not, I’ve taken a bunch of shortcuts all over the place—but I have those shortcuts documented so that in the future I can try to improve them.

The other strategy I take here is to isolate or abstract the broken system; maybe I have a bit of code that is really gross, but I don’t have time or the ability to fix it right now. I stuff that sucker behind a “clean” abstraction layer and then write a bunch of tests around the abstraction layer to make sure it’s behaving correctly. That way, the brokenness isn’t visible from the outside, and in the future it’s easy for me to fix the broken component without impacting the rest of the system9.

So what’s the point of all this? Aside from me getting another opportunity to rant about the state of the industry, I guess I’m hoping I can popularize a new motto: “move fast; solve the right problems; pay someone else to solve the problems you don’t have time for; don’t break too many things and do your best to minimize the impact of the things you did break.” It’s kinda long and cumbersome as a motto, maybe I should workshop it a bit or something, but you know what? I don’t have time for that right now. 😛

Thanks for reading, and I hope you’re all enjoying your summer!


  1. Look, I know I said several weeks ago that I was going to stop acknowledging or apologizing for gaps in my writing frequency on this blog, but in my defense, I’m very bad at writing introductions. 

  2. Maybe you’ve heard of him? 

  3. I’m not actually really sure of the anthropological timelines for these ideas, and it’s pretty hard to piece together. “Disagree and commit” certainly wasn’t a new idea by Jeff Bezos, and people have been studying “how to make good decisions” for a lot longer than he’s been around too. But the terms are so popular and regurgitated these days that it’s basically impossible to do a search for them that doesn’t end up back at that shareholder letter. 

  4. Other trends that I believe grew as a reaction to this phenomenon: agile, CI/CD, the very existence of “the cloud”. 

  5. Do you have a whole trail of broken shit that needs cleaning up? I can help! Get in touch! 

  6. In an incredibly timely example, ask all the people who were impacted by the CrowdStrike update whether they like broken things. 

  7. I’m re-reading The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, which is another book with lots of great sayings and wisdom. 

  8. And ok, look, I’m using “test coverage” and “CI pipelines” as proxies here. Having high test coverage for the sake of high test coverage is a waste of time. You have to make sure you’re testing the right things. Having a CI pipeline for the sake of having a CI pipeline is a waste of time. You have a CI pipeline so that you can make sure your product is meeting the reliability bar that you’ve set for it. Don’t at me. 

  9. And, because I already wrote the tests, it’s easy to verify that I fixed the broken part.